5 Ways to Lower Your Energy Bill This Winter

27th Dec 2014

5 Ways To Lower Your Energy Bill This Winter

If you live in a region that sees harsh and severe winters, you probably blast your heater day and night. Although you may be super toasty, your wallet won’t be so warm when you have to pay your electrical bill each month. But before you decide to freeze rather than paying another extremely high electricity bill, here are five ways to actually lower your energy bill this winter:

  • 1.Bundle Up
  • Instead of blasting the heater, turn down the temperature by a couple of degrees and opt to wear a sweater. You’ll save about $180 a year on your energy bill and you’ll still stay warm. Most people don’t like to bundle up, but if you truly want to save extra cash on your bill, layer on the clothes indoors!
  • 2.Change The Filter
  • When was the last time you changed your filter on your heat and air unit? If you can’t recall, it’s probably time to go out and buy a new filter. By cleaning the filter every two months, you’ll be able to increase its efficiency by 50 percent and you won’t have to set your thermostat so high anymore. And if you can, buy a filter that’s reusable so that all you have to do is clean it to loosen up dust and other particles and you’ll save more money in the long run.
  • 3.Turn Off Everything At Night

Everybody leaves something on at night, which wastes electricity and increases your energy bill. To cut your bill this winter, make sure to check that everything is turned off right before you go to bed. Even though going to room to room can be a  pain, especially when you are really tired, it will save you money in the long run. Just one florescent light bulb costs about $9 a year to run through the night, while a ceiling fan costs about $35, so your savings can really add up.

  • 4.Make Sure Your Water Heater Is Set At 120 Degrees
  • Saving money on your monthly energy bill this winter can be as simple as adjusting your water heater’s temperature. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a water heater that is set at 140 degrees or more actually wastes money. If your heater is set higher, you’re wasting anywhere from $36 to $61 annually, while it can cost more than $400 to heat up fresh water that high. By adjusting it to 120 degrees, you’ll save a lot of money this winter. And if you want to save even more, turn of your electric heater (or turn down your gas heater if you have one) when go on vacation.
  • 5.Seal The Cracks
  • All of that heat can be escaping through small cracks and leaks in your home, which is what happens when you leave your windows open over the year. To save money on your bill, you’ll have to seal the cracks with expanding foam or caulking that you can buy at any local hardware store. Places where warm and cold air usually escapes include door frames and windows and around any holes in your walls where pipes or cable run in and out of your house.

If you follow the aforementioned tips, you’ll notice a difference in your energy bill each month!